Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Now, this is going to be a few different topics shared in one post. I've decided, so I don't get obsessed with blogging, that I only blog once a day.
To start, I have been reading in Acts lately and today I finished chapter 16. I have to say that it is such an encouraging and convicting book, I never realized how good of a book it is. Today it was about Barnabas and Saul being sent out to share with people all over the region, beginning in chapter 13 in Cyprus and ending in chapter 16 at Macedonia. It is awesome to read about Saul's complete life change. He goes from persecuting the Jews to being persecuted along with them. Soon after Barnabas and Saul are sent out Saul's name gets changed to Paul and he begins to take charge. Can you imagine being Barnabas? One day you're scared of what Saul will do to you and shortly after that you are following the wise leaderhsip and words of Paul. Imagine what faith in the Lord that would take to trust Paul! Wow. That is so humbling for me. Do I trust God enough in my life to do that? Honestly, at this point, no. THEN, it gets better. In chapter 16 they are called to Macedonia because Paul has a vision. When they get there they meet Lydia and she and her household gets saved. Soon after that they get thrown into prison for healing a servant girl from her spirit of divination. While in prison, there is an earthquake and everyone in jail has a chance to go free because their shackels and jail doors are opened, but they don't. I would have to say, that my first immediate thought would be RUN! But, they didn't, they stayed so that the jailer and his family could come to know the Lord. What an awesome love for our Savior Paul and Barnabas had!!
Next tpoic, Salvation. Wow. What a word. I mean, doesn't IT just sound like an awesome word? SAL-VA-TION, good stuff. Tonight, I found out that my littlest sister Caroline accepted Jesus Christ as her own personal Savior!! How awesome is that? I have been praying for her for soo many years and I am so excited to hear about this!! I mean, God was SO gracious enough to choose my entire immediate family to come to Him!! Is there any greater gift than that? NO WAY. The hard part now, is seeing if their is actual fruit that follows, so please be praying for her.
Alright, so that wasn't as many topics as my mind was expecting but, oh well. Uhm. If any of you would like to be praying for me, here is my list. That the Lord would humble me, that I would continue to be repenting and turning to Christ- realizing Who alone can change me, that I would be a godly example to everyone around me, that my quiet time with the Lord would be quiet and that my mind would not get distracted, and that I would be in continual conversation with the Lord. OH!! And especially for our new sister in Christ, Caroline. Thanks for all your prayers!!
I love you all and hope you had a great day!!


  1. Are you saying that some are obsessed with blogging:)
    God is so good to choose any of us. He is good to have "His-story" written down for our growth and encouragement. Men of old went through trials and victories so we could be encouraged by their imperfect faith.
    We are to be light in a dark world and when we are walking as children of The Light we will shine like a torch in a dark cave.
    We will continue to pray for the Martins.

  2. hey, your blog is awesome! keep it up. :)
